Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness

September is a great month to visit the Normandy coast.

The weather is generally still fine and sunny, but the summer tourists with school age children have returned, leaving the vast beaches virtually deserted, and far more attractive to maritime wildlife such as basking seals, dolphins and porpoise.

Just inland, the hedgerows are full of blackberries, rapidly ripening nuts and the occasional wild plum or greengage tree, groaning with delicious free fruit. Delicious mushrooms are also starting to make an appearance too, but be sure to know what you’re picking before eating!

Nearby tourist hotspots like Bayeux & Arromanches are now far quieter too, so you can wander peacefully rather than jostle with the crowds and compete for the best café terrace tables.

What’s not to like?

Contact us now for keener late-season prices and a guaranteed warm welcome.

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